Aug. 09, 2004

I'm 21, but Feel Older

I took a 'sick day' from work on Friday. I spent my day lying around in bed, then going to a nice resturant for dinner. I had haddock, garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli. Everyone needs a sick day from time to time. Just a day to recoperate and relax a little.

Saturday wasn't much more exciting. Went to the Eagles for awhile and then home...

Same thing on Sunday too. We took a shower together to rinse off after we had sex since we were both sweaty. It was the first shower we've taken together since we've lived with one another. We actually napped for a few hours after that. We woke up and couldn't fall back asleep until this morning around 5:30. I had problems finding a comfortable way to sleep.

Heather's wedding is underway. October 1st her and Dan will be going to the J.P.. Liz is sending out bridal invitations very shortly. She called yesterday to ask for my address. Her and I will be planning the bachelorette party. It will be fun. We need to think of fun and crazy things to do. The thing is, where will we go since practically no one is 21 except for me and maybe one or two other girls?

I still can't believe she is getting married....I am only 21, but I feel old

missdahling at 8:36 p.m.