Thursday, Sept. 06, 2007

Dr.'s Appt.

As you can see from the previous entry, baby Olivia is getting big. I was surprised to find out at her doctor's appointment on Tuesday night that she now weighs 14.5 pounds and is 24.5 inches long. For height, she is in the 90th percentile and is in the 95th percentile for weight!

"Is that ok?" I asked the doctor when she told me her weight.

"Yes, but I don't want to see her gain too much more before her next appointment,"she said while showing me the chart.

That had me a little worried. Maybe I am overfeeding her? I doubt it because she knows when she is full. When she is full she spits her bottle out. The doctor didn't seem to be concerned when I told her the amount of formula Olivia eats per day. She didn't suggest switching formula either. I don't know how I can keep her from gaining too much ... I cannot deny her of food when she is hungry. That is just cruel. Any advice anyone?

While we were at the doctor's, Olivia also got 5 shots. 2 in each leg and then the oral polio shot. She was such a good girl too...didn't even really cry much. She let out two loud screams, then quieted down as soon as the needle was out. I was so proud of her for handling it so well. It was hard to watch her be in pain even if it was only for a few seconds.

That night I gave her baby tylonol. She didn't run a fever and wasn't even being a crank. When we got home she was acting like her normal self; she was very smiley. However, she did seem more tired than usual and didn't sleep as well as she had been the previous few nights. Other than that ...

I made her next appointment for the beginning of November. I am sure she will change a lot until then. We'll see...

missdahling at 1:33 pm