Apr. 28, 2004

Happily In Love

Megan finished the rest of our laundry last night. I paid her a total of I think 15 dollars to do the wash, and clean the bathroom. I have clean clothes now! yay!

Last night before going to bed, Adam looks at me with an adorable face and says,"There is noone I'd rather sleep next to. I love sleeping beside you and waking up next to you."

I really thought I was going to cry. Noone has ever been so good to me. I am happily in love. I can't remember when I have ever been this happy. We've come a long way in our relationship. From casually hooking up to living with him.

I can remember a time when I used to wonder if he would ever tell me that he loved me. Ya know when something just feels 'right'? Well, that's exactly how I feel. Everything just feels right. And I am content.

I always knew this was meant to work out. I was right before when I used to say that the timing was never right between us. Now the timing is perfect. I am glad I waited for him.

I am certain that he is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'd never get tired of it. No, not ever.

missdahling at 9:17 p.m.