Feb. 07, 2003

Oh yes, It is Viscious

Final Destination 2; good movie. Ana, Liz and I saw it eatlier tonight. It was so gruesome though! Since we were the only ones in the theater, we didnt have to worry about being loud, screaming at gross parts, etc.

The rest of my day consisted of sleeping. I was so beat. I'm not even sure what time I went to sleep last night.

I spent the night at 'his' house last night. Smoked some good weed too. The sex wasn't as good as it was last time. Im not really sure why either. But still, I had fun.

Hopefully we wont stop talking to each other this time. I would really like to see him and hang out with him more often; even if he doesnt want a serious relationship. On the other hand, I hate hanging out with him because I get so attached...then I dont give a shit, then attached, etc. etc. etc.... the ongoing vicious cycle.

Kevin was there last night too. At one point, I remember thinking to myself that I wanted to sleep with him again. I couldnt though, it would cause soo many more problems.

Also, I didnt get to talk to Erik because he was already asleep when I arrived. I was really looking forward to seeing him too. So, I'll have to put my plan into action another time. I will have sex with him sooner or later.

missdahling at 12:40 a.m.