Dec. 24, 2002

Gift Giving

Well, I lied. I do have time to write today. I leave work at 5 today instead of 10.

last night Meg and I decided to open the gifts that we bought each other. We knew what we got for one another anyway, so it wasnt that big of a deal. The gift that I did not know she was getting me was pajama pants and a victoria's secret gift certificate. The pants are so cute! theyre see-through with pink flowers. I just had to go to the mall and get the matching top, which she did not buy me due to lack of money. The set is adoreable.

When I was at the mall, I went to the Deb Shop and bought a new dress to wear to church tonight. Im hoping that my knee-high boots will look alrite with it. If not, I'll have to wear my other dress-shoes. I havent been to church for awhile.

I also dropped off Derek and Rebekah's gifts before work. Derek really liked the bubble gum machine that i bought him. Rebekah was napping, so I didnt get to watch her open her presents.

Christmas is tomorrow!!! itll be such a fun time. Im not even going to think about boys. As Taryn said about a week ago, "I am just going to enjoy my Christmas."

missdahling at 4:12 p.m.