Thursday, Jul. 27, 2006

Curiouser and Curiouser

It seems like this week just began but the weekend is approaching quickly. One day and a half of day (I work until noon on Saturday)is what separates me from the weekend.

Last weekend was good. I actually left with Adam early Saturday morning / late Friday night to work. We took a delivery to north Philly and back. It went smoothly (aside from getting lost for about twnety minutes) until the truck we were in broke down when we were about forty minutes from home. Lucky for us, we were able to get Adam's mom's boyfriend to pick us up.

We opted not to go to my company picnic later that morning as we had originally planned. The weather was dreary; it kept pouring down rain on and off, and we were both so tired from waking up in the middle of the night. Although, I think we were mainly worn out from the inconvenience of the truck breaking down. We agreed that the best way to spend our afternoon was to take a nap.

Three hours later we woke up and were refreshed and ready for our usual poker night with our friends. When we found out that they were playing a different card game than usual, we mutually agreed that we would take the night off from playing cards for the first time in awhile. Neither Adam nor I knew how we wanted to spend our evening so just as a suggestion, I mentioned that we could still go to my company picnic. Adam was thinking about that too, so we decided to chance the weather and go.

The picnic itself was already over by the time we got there but we still got free admission tickets to enter the amusement park. The rain poured on the way to the park but cleared up closer to the time we arrived. I was glad that it had stopped raining because I was almost certain that it was going to be a wasted trip.

While we were trying to find a place to park and were driving around, there must have been a wet spot on the road that Adam did not see. He lost control of the wheel and before I even knew what was happening, we fishtailed and the car spun in a circle. We were on the other side of the road when he finally gained control of the car again. Thank god we were the only moving vehicle in sight at the time. I wasn't even afraid though, probably because I didn't have time to be scared. It all happened so fast.

After that, I was thinking to myself that we shouldn't have went. Our day wasn't going the best so I was thinking, "Ok, what next?" When all was said and done though, I was really glad that we had decided on going. It didn't rain at all while we were at the park. The weather was nice actually. It wasn't humid and hot, but on the cooler side. It was very comfortable weather.

The rain probably scared people away earlier in the day because the park wasn't crowded that night at all. The longest we had to wait in line was about twenty five minutes which really isn't bad at all. We went on about five or six rollercoasters and I had forgotten how much I love them. Adam loves rollercoasters too, but I can never get him to go on the ferris wheel with me.

Towards the end of the night we played some games. At first we didn't have any luck, but I persuaded Adam to play one more. Reluctantly, he handed over five dollars in exchange for eight softballs to try to throw into a milk jug. On second or third throw he won me a prize. I was so excited. He won me a gigantic Curious George that is almost as big as me. It is the best and that was the first time a guy ever won me a decent prize at an amusement park or carnival.

We were tired again when we got home. So tired that I don't even remember falling asleep. I slept good that night. I don't think I woke up once.

missdahling at 8:29 pm