Saturday, Oct. 01, 2005

Counting Down

I haven't talked to my mom yet today, but by not receiving a phone call from any of my family, I can say that my grandmother is alright. She's still in the hospital, no doubt, but she is presumably doing okay. It isn't that I don't want to visit her, but I'm afraid to. Really, I don't know what I'm so scared of, but I am. I suppose it's because I'm afraid of what I'll see. I really don't know. Today or tomorrow, I must go visit her, I know that I have to.

So, today is day three of Adam's new diet. It was his idea to go on one and I am proud of him for taking the iniative. Thus far, he's been sticking to it; only eating so many calories per day and he is really watching what he is eating. He is about fifteen pounds heavier than when I met him a little over five years ago, but he still looks great to me. If he loses a few pounds I know that it will make him happy, so it will make me happy as well. And he isn't doing this only because of the weight issue. He wants to be healthier. I know that he can do it without me, but I am really trying to support him through this.

Today I am working at the office by myself, as I always do on Saturday mornings. In a way, it is nice being here alone because it's actually quiet and peaceful. But on the other hand, it's a little scary, probably because I am used to at least one other person being here with me. Everyone who has ever worked here alone always says that they hear footsteps in the hallway, but noone is ever there when we look out into the hall. It's creepy, especially at night. I try not to think about it though and just concentrate on the time when I am supposed to leave which is in forty five minutes exactly. Counting down...

Last night I stayed up really late with Adam and this morning, I'm thinking that I should have went to bed earlier. I can barely keep my eyes open.

missdahling at 11:09 am