Sept. 27, 2004

Gina's Wedding

Gina's wedding was nice. We went to that on Saturday. I ended up not even wearing the dress that I bought on Friday. I wore something I already had with the new Payless shoes.

The church was decorated really pretty. At the end of each isle were candles and ivy. The ceremony wasn't very long; about twenty minutes. It was good though because Adam had a pool match at the Eagles that started at two.

We drove from Shamokin back to Sunbury for the pool match. I felt bad because Adam lost his game again. He was so close to beating his opponent too, but messed up because he was not paying attention to the game. He ended up with ball in hand but didn't know it. His team wasn't allowed to tell him that he had it either. It must suck to lose like that.

After the match, we went to the reception. The food was really good. We stayed until the dancing started, then left.

We got back into town and went to the Ends where we hung out with Harry and Dixie. Adam wanted to go play cards at his friend's house, so I went along.

Later on at home, we smoked, and then watched a movie.

On Sunday we were up early too. Patty and Jack had his family over for chicken pot pie. It filled me up, but I kept eating it because it was so good.

We stopped by the Eagles, then I went home so that Adam could go over to the Ones. He was about an hour and a half late coming home, and I was a little upset. He knew that I was pissed, but I didn't make a big deal about it. I let it go. I was proud of myself for doing so too.

The rest of the night was spent in. We had rented the Butterfly Effect on Friday night, but didn't get the chance to watch it so we did last night. We went to Beaver's last night too. We have an eighth now. Only an eighth. I wish we had the QP we had last week at this time.

I was supposed to go to the magestrate's office to pay my parking fines, but opted for staying in bed this morning instead. Oh well, I get paid on Friday. I will pay it then.

missdahling at 9:03 p.m.