Jul. 23, 2004

Hooray for the Weekend

Another check was bounced according to the letter that came in the mail again today. I called the bank and they are both paid with $20.00 late fees. At least they're paid. Only three more checks (#'s 76,77 and 78) need to clear...I'm still going to be in dept with all the bills that need paid at the beginning of August. I'm really stressing out.

I had a nice night with the girls last night. Me, Liz, Heather, Jenn M., Justin and her cousin Lucy all just sat around bullshitting....went to the Eagle's, and then home.

The weed that we have right now is excellent. I wish that whenever we bought weed that we were guarenteed the high we get off of this shit...I;m telling you, it's excellent! It makes me very silly and not too tired like I normally get.

Well, it's quitting time...finally.

The weekend is here. Horray for the weekend!

missdahling at 9:53 p.m.