Nov. 02, 2003

Oh What a Night

Oh what a night. After a full day of babysitting (well, from 2-10:30 anyway) I went to Vince's to pick up my eighth. They were already passing the bong around so of course I hit it too. I had a beer and we smoked 2 bowls of the shit that I had just bought. I don't think I realized exactly how fucked up I was. As I was walking out the door Vince says,"Drive careful Jenn."

Then I made my way to Liz's. Her and Justin were about to watch movies. I hung out there for one movie and then went to hang out with Adam. He bartended last night so I went over after he closed and had a few beers with him and about 3 or 4 other people. They were all really nice. They said that they liked me. But who wouldn't? jk

Neither of us felt like going home so we went to the Days Inn again. We smoked a bowl in the parking lot. I was feeling niiiice.

We had sex twice this morning. That's something we haven't done for awhile. It was nice.

After the first time we had sex we layed there for a few minutes and then he went to the bathroom. When Adam came back, he got on top of me and started rubbing his dick outside of me, getting himself hard. As soon as I knew it, we were having sex again. :-)

Can you believe that I didn't get to sleep until after 7am?! Luckily we got our checkout time to be a little later. We had to be out by 12:30pm instead of 11:00am.

I am still tired though. This is a day for relaxing and sleeping. That is most definite. I had an awesome Saturday night. Yay!!! It sure beats last weekend.

missdahling at 1:21 p.m.