Jan. 7, 2003

Let's Play Charades

My new computer from Dell came today!! I have it all hooked up, I just need to install the software. I'll do that tonight.

Hopefully tomorrow I can hook up the internet.

"Gimme a call sometime."

^That's what 'he' said when he messaged me last night. We had a short, but nice conversation on instant messenger b4 he had to go to work.

I wonder if he actually wants me to call him. Unless he is persistant about it, Im not going to call.

No longer will I play into his charades. He told me b4 that he isnt ready for a serious relationship. He cant give me what I want, so Im not going to lower myself to give him what he wants; sex.

Until he knows what he wants, I am not hanging out with him.

I wanna have willpower.

Well, gotta go. Work is busy once again.

missdahling at 6:19 p.m.